Stone & Sky by Z. S. Diamanti
Read in January 2025
Stone & Sky is the first novel in Z.S. Diamanti's YA epic fantasy series set in the enchanting world of Finlestia. The story follows various characters, such as Orin, a dedicated member of the Griffin Guard tasked with defending the kingdom against a formidable orc nation. When his squadron is decimated by wyvern riders, Orin, the sole survivor, allies with a local huntsman's family. Together, they confront ancient magics and looming threats to protect their homeland.
Main Characters:
It's hard for me to figure out who the protagonist is in this novel, though the blurb says it's Orin since it follows many characters; however, here are the main ones.
Orin: a courageous and determined member of the Griffin Guard. He's the first character we get to know in the story. He's the lone survivor of his squad after an orc attack, and he goes on a long journey trying to get back to the capital, Whitestone.
Ellaria: she found Orin at death's door and nursed him back to health. She is brave and intelligent and assists Orin on his journey to Whitestone.
Merrick: Ellaria's older brother and huntsman. He joins Orin on his journey to Whitestone at his father's bidding. Throughout the novel he grows as a character and becomes a skilled warrior.
Pernden: captain of the Talon Squadron, the Griffin Guard's elite force. He's the cousin of newly crowned King Garron. Although he's young, he proves himself brave, loyal, and righteous.
King Garron: young man, who descends to the throne of Whitestone when his father passes due to illness. He has lost his brothers as well, which has affected him greatly.
Gar Karnak: an orc from Calrok and Gar of the Scar Squadron. Through him we glimpse what the orcs are dealing with. He's brave, loyal, and righteous. In many ways similar to Pernden.
There are many others.
There was quite a bit of world-building in this novel. Although we only get to know Tarrine, a country that's part of Finlestia, it's a well developed world. Tarrine is then divided and inhabited by various races, such as men, elves, dwarves, gnomes, orcs, and goblins. Each race has their customs, government, and some their own language. Even though the author doesn't dive deep into these things, we get enough to know they are there and not everything has to be explained in details. There are fun mythical creatures, magical artifacts and weapons, which makes for a fun read. There is lots of magic and we don't get to learn more about it, at least not in this book. We don't know what the rules are and who possesses magic and why.
- Epic YA fantasy with an epic storyline
- Found family
- Rebels
- Overcoming the Monster
- The Crew
- Magic and powerful artifacts
- The Evil One
- The mentor (more than one)
- Magical creatures
- Unlikely allies
Entertainment Value:
The book is very fast paced, yet I didn't find it too fast paced. It made for an easy and fun read. It reminded me of the stories I read as a kid, where anything could happen and you just got lost in a good story. It's definitely plot driven and we don't connect to characters on a deep level, but I don't mind that. The plot is what kept me going.
This book is a great palate cleanser after reading a heavy book. I had just finished The Final Empire by Brandon Sanderson and I wasn't in the mood for something like that. Therefore, this book was a pleasant surprise. It kept me on my toes and I got lost in the story without having lots of questions like I normally do. It's action packed and easy to digest.
At first, I found it confusing how many characters have their point of view, but then I got used to it. The story jumps between character's heads in third person omniscient perspective, mostly limited to one person at a time, though at times I found it moving between characters in the same scene.
Cover Art:
I think the cover art is gorgeous and fitting for the story and audience.
Although, I do wonder who it's supposed to be. Orin is stated as the protagonist, however, his griffin is dead when the story begins. Also, the character on the cover holds what appears to be a magical sword, which points to a different character (no spoilers).
Would I read this book again?
Yes, I would. At first I found the head hopping and changes in character perspectives confusing, but when I got used to it, I just got lost in the story. I definitely want to continue reading this series.
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